Saturday 28 May 2011

The Mesmerist (Author Barbara Ewing)

Barbara Ewing is fast becoming one of my favourite authors thanks to her strong female lead characters and rich story telling. The Mesmerist is no exception. Set in London in the year 1838 we meet Miss Cordelia Preston, an ageing out of work actress struggling to find work and battling the stereotypes of an unmarried woman. Following in the footsteps of her aunt she re-invents herself as a Lady Phreno-Mesmerist working out of Bloomsbury basement with her friend Rillie Spoons. What started as a fraudulent expedition to survive a poverty stricken life soon turns into a journey that sees Miss Preston at the centre of a murder investigation which threatens to revel the secrets of her past.

The Mesmerist is an engaging read with complex characters and a fascinating insight into the world of what would later be known as hypnotism. A truly captivating read. If you haven't read anything from this author yet The Mesmerist is a great place to start.

buy the book from The Book Depository, free delivery